Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blog Cash Guide - Learning How to Blog

August 7, 2009 | By Admin In Blogging, Paid Blogging Sites |
Do you need a blog cash guide? It took me the longest time to figure this out - but blog success has nothing to do with the products you buy to help you learn how to do it. Yes, the products do help because you need to learn somewhere if you don’t know how to do it. But if you let yourself get swallowed up in the process without learning the philosophy then your success will be short lived.
Blogging to make money can be broken down in a simple series of steps.
1. Choose something to blog about… aka find your niche.
2. Select good keywords for your niche.
3. Write helpful content about your topic using the keywords you found.
4. Find products to put on your blog or use a program like Adsense.
5. Build site traffic and backlinks.
If people like your content, they’ll be more likely to click on your ads - but don’t tell them to click (it’s click fraud and you can be banned from Adsense). Build your blog around the information you want to share. If you can’t think of enough things to write about, maybe it isn’t a good niche for you. In the end, the topic you choose needs to be something enjoyable.



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